Creating database table patches based on XML

Example is based on the project: credit-forms-unification-sample. The example demonstrates the ability to update fields of a table in an existing database with data extracted from XML documents.

Open the project credit-forms-patching-sample

The table xml_files, which stores references to the original XML files, has the following schema (you can read about the minimal necessary database schema for operation here):

          CREATE TABLE xml_files ( 
            "id" Integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,
            "xml_path" Text,
            "parsing_status" Text,
            "processed_date" Numeric,
            "is_patch" Text,
            CONSTRAINT "unique_tax_number" UNIQUE (tax_number)


Overall view of the filled table:

id xml_path parsing_status processed_date is_patch
1 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/barclays.xml NULL NULL NULL
2 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/barclays_patch.xml NULL NULL true
3 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/deutschebank.xml NULL NULL NULL
4 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/deutschebank_patch.xml NULL NULL true
5 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/rabobank.xml NULL NULL NULL
6 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/rabobank_patch.xml NULL NULL true

The table includes the field is_patch. Since it is assumed that patches should be applied to data already loaded into the database, we need to somehow separate the documents into groups. At first, the parsing and loading of the original XML should be performed, and only then apply the patches to them. This will require the creation of two Job. The first Job will parse and load the main documents into the database. The second will apply patches to them. The field name can be anything. More information on how to create a Job can be found here.

Examples of documents that will be used as patches for existing tables:


        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <PhoneNumber>+39 02 51821810</PhoneNumber>

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <Phone>+31 20 83115136</Phone>

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <Phone>+44 20 12345678</Phone>

As an example, we will be updating the fields: phone_number, email, is_married

Overall Project View:

The structure describing the data for updating must have a field tag with a value like: "update_tableNameForUpdating". In our case: tag: "update_credits_forms".

Uniqueness settings: RulesDatabase Constraints need to specify that in the tables credits_forms and applicant_finances, the column tax_number is unique (in case of uniqueness for a group of columns, you should specify their names separated by a space).

Also, it is necessary to specify the name of the node in the intermediate representation: applicant_finance, as well as its variations in XML: FinancialInfo EmploymentInformation:

As seen from the intermediate representation, tax_number is located at the root. Specify that it needs to be passed to each child of the intermediate representation from which the table will be generated:

Table structures for extracting data from credit_forms and applicant_finances:

      CREATE TABLE credits_forms (
        "first_name" Text,
        "last_name" Text,
        "tax_number" Text,
        "phone_number" Text,
        "email" Text,
        "is_married" Text,
        CONSTRAINT "unique_tax_number" UNIQUE (tax_number)

      CREATE TABLE applicant_finances (
        "tax_number" Text,
        "credit_rating" Text,
        "loan_amount" Text,
        "salary" Text,
        CONSTRAINT "unique_tax_number" UNIQUE (tax_number)

Pay attention that in this example, all data is loaded into the database as text. Type conversion rules are covered in a separate article.

Configure the database connection on the SettingsDatabase tab.

After restarting, on the Database tab, you can request the number of files awaiting processing by clicking Get XML Count.

As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to process files containing complete data first and only then apply patches to them. For this, we will create two Job.

In the first Job, specify that you need to select data from the xml_files table where the is_patch column contains NULL. In the second one, NOT NULL

Be sure to save the changes for both the Job and the entire project.

Now, when you click on Get XML Count, it will show that the first Job has only 3 files to process.

Clicking on Start Processing will initiate the processing.

Table structure after processing completion.


id xml_path parsing_status processed_date is_patch
1 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/barclays.xml success 2024-03-21 16:57 NULL
2 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/barclays_patch.xml NULL NULL true
3 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/deutschebank.xml success 2024-03-21 16:57 NULL
4 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/deutschebank_patch.xml NULL NULL true
5 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/rabobank.xml success 2024-03-21 16:57 NULL
6 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/rabobank_patch.xml NULL NULL true


id first_name last_name tax_number phone_number email is_married
1 John Smith 987-65-4321 +44 20 12345678 TRUE
2 Sofia Lorenzo 545-56-7190 +39 02 98765432 Married
3 Lisa Martin 456-78-9012 +31 20 98765431 Single


id tax_number credit_rating loan_amount salary
1 987-65-4321 800 50000.00 75000.50
2 545-56-7190 710 42000.00 50000.75
3 456-78-9012 750 48000.00 71000

Switch to Job 2 and start processing XML files containing patches for the data:

The final view of the xml_files table. All files have been processed:

id xml_path parsing_status processed_date is_patch
1 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/barclays.xml success 2024-03-10 17:52 NULL
2 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/barclays_patch.xml success 2024-03-10 17:52 true
3 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/deutschebank.xml success 2024-03-10 17:52 NULL
4 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/deutschebank_patch.xml success 2024-03-10 17:52 true
5 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/rabobank.xml success 2024-03-10 17:52 NULL
6 data-samples/credit-forms-patching-sample/rabobank_patch.xml success 2024-03-10 17:52 true

Updated data in the table:

id first_name last_name tax_number phone_number email is_married
1 John Smith 987-65-4321 +44 20 12345678 TRUE
2 Sofia Lorenzo 545-56-7190 +39 02 51821810 Single
3 Lisa Martin 456-78-9012 +31 20 83115136 Married

Old data for comparison:

id first_name last_name tax_number phone_number email is_married
1 John Smith 987-65-4321 +44 20 12345678 TRUE
2 Sofia Lorenzo 545-56-7190 +39 02 98765432 Single
3 Lisa Martin 456-78-9012 +31 20 98765431 Single

Queries generated to update data in the credits_forms table:

            UPDATE credits_forms
              SET "phone_number" = '+39 02 51821810', "email" = '', "is_married" = 'Single'
              WHERE "tax_number" ='545-56-7190';
            UPDATE credits_forms
              SET "phone_number" = '+31 20 83115136', "email" = '', "is_married" = 'Married'
              WHERE "tax_number" = '456-78-9012';
            UPDATE credits_forms
              SET "phone_number" = '+44 20 12345678', "email" = ''
              WHERE "tax_number" = '987-65-4321';